

Hi! I’m Tiffany. I’m prone to using a lot of words to make things sound lovely. Because of that I have written and re-written this about a dozen times just trying to be concise. You just want to know what you are getting into, right?

Here’s what you’ll find in my little space: writings/musings/stories on my life. I have a big(ish) family; five kids and my wonderful husband. Topics include: homeschool, travel, adoption, child loss/grief, marriage and living a Christ-centered life.

We strive to live simply and love well. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I’m so glad you’re here.


yesterday was nothing to blog about.....

but I'm going to anyway because I know somewhere a mom had the same kind of day. My kids woke up in the morning grumpy, stayed grumpy through breakfast and showed some attitude when their aunt came over, and went to bed quite grumpy.

I almost titled this post "she may look like Jeff" but really, both kids had their moments. Seriously, she may look like Jeff but yesterday I saw a little of me coming out. Interestingly enough she is much more bold than I was as a child, more outgoing and of course, the second born child instead of the firstborn. She can be bossy (telling her Aunt Trista to clean her room because it's so messy), she can be feisty, especially with her brother. I understand all that but when I was 2 I'm pretty sure I never told my mom and dad "No, YOU go clean up my toys" or after tearing apart a puzzle Thao worked so hard on said "No, you can pick it up". Sassy may be a good word for her yesterday, I'm not sure, but definitely bold. Yet, she's sweet and sensitive, too. She really is remorseful when she gets in trouble, very sad, real tears and truly saying sorry, things to be thankful for for sure.

I still don't know why exactly Thao was so grumpy but I know we all have our days. It's just exhausting when there's a fight over everything. I mean life would be much simpler if you just ate your dinner when everyone else was eating dinner. This is our strong willed child for sure. He could be starving (in a sense, you know) but refuse to eat because we told him to. Very stubborn, guess he got the "best" of both of us! :)

Even though it was one of those days when I have to say something 15 times for them to finally acknowledge I'm talking to them by arguing with me, a day when I have to walk over a completely unrolled roll of toilet paper until my daughter decides picking it up is better than sitting in time out, a day when I finally make Thao the dinner he's been asking for and he refuses to eat it until we put it away. Yes, even though it was a day like that, I'm thankful that I kept my attitude in check because I don't always. And if I hadn't been able to forgive them and enjoy them I would have missed out on so much. Like how Ava decided to play that she went to the doctor. "Mommy I go to the doctor. I has baby in my belly. It's AMAZING!" She then talked Thao into being the doctor and he took the baby out of her belly with a dinosaur puppet. Wonderfully entertaining. A little glimpse into their world and what they are understanding and what they still wonder about. :)

All in all, today is a new day, with new adventures that I've decided to enjoy, no matter what. (Today may be my grumpy day- going out in the snow to run errands with 2 kids. Yes, today may be the day I need to watch my attitude more than theirs.)

Five on Friday

Things I've learned from my 4 1/2 year old (all taken in a 24 hour period)