

Hi! I’m Tiffany. I’m prone to using a lot of words to make things sound lovely. Because of that I have written and re-written this about a dozen times just trying to be concise. You just want to know what you are getting into, right?

Here’s what you’ll find in my little space: writings/musings/stories on my life. I have a big(ish) family; five kids and my wonderful husband. Topics include: homeschool, travel, adoption, child loss/grief, marriage and living a Christ-centered life.

We strive to live simply and love well. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I’m so glad you’re here.


Love Them Well

Oh, Mother's Day.

I could go anywhere with this. I have mourned the loss of children. I have rejoiced in pregnancies and babies and adoption referrals. I have grieved for birth moms and orphans and friends with infertility. I love these children with my whole being, and I think about the ones we weren't able to bring home. I'm a mom.

I want what is best for my children, as do you.

But I struggle with this holiday. I don't really need it. I enjoy the time set aside with my family. One thing I've learned though is this:

I'm not going to take for granted the everyday. The little things. The messy house. The piles of laundry. The hugs. The conversations. The jokes. The questions. The adventures. The smiles. The laughter. The little. The big. The growing up. The moments of mothering. 

All the things that I am tempted to over look and complain about. All the things I almost wish away.

I'm all for honoring your mama this weekend. Go for it. Enjoy. Savor.

But let's not get caught up in the gifts (or lack there-of), or the day itself.

Let's get caught up in the beauty of mothering. The blessings of the everyday.

I am 100% convinced that each one of my children will have completely different memories of childhood. Each child has such a unique personality, termperament and perspective on life.

But I have also changed. I have changed with each year, as they grow. As I let go a little more, as I try my best to prepare them for independnce from my husband and me. As our circumstances change, we change. Our stress changes. Our outside influences change. And things happen in life that we cannot control.

As life changes, I want my children to look back and remember one thing. I want there to be a constant. I want there to be a consistent memory that each child, despite their unique childhoods, will remember.

I want them to know full well

the love of God. 

I want them to see in my life in all the everyday, in all the big and small, that God is good. All the time.

When I began thinking about this Mother's Day, I almost wanted to skip it. I'm a sucker for the everyday. I love adventures and family time, but sometimes holidays are stressful. There's so much expectation and often guilt.

Let's just stop there. Let go of the expectations and revel in the beauty of simply being with your children. I was going to tell you all to write your story. Challenge you to put down in words for your children, what mothering is to you. Your memories. Your favorite moments. Stories of births, adoptions, losses, laundry.

But then I realized.

You are writing your story. 

Not neccessarily through words. But through your children.

Your stories live on through them.

What do you want them to remember? 

What thread do you want sewn through all their childhood memories? 

How will you make that happen?

I want them to see the love of God through out my life.

Here's how I'm consciously making that effort:

-eye contact
-active listening
-serving others
-going out of my way to show kindness to them, as I would other people
-making time for others
-generosity (time, money, possessions)
-forgiveness and grace
-learning their love language

I want to write my story through my children and I want it to point people to Christ. I want to encourage and build up my children. I want to raise children who are dependent on Christ alone, for their strength and courage.

Happy Mother's Day, Mamas.

I pray that your day is beautiful. I hope that whatever the circumstances, you can find contentment in Christ. The struggles of mothering are so real and we fail often. But we have forgiveness and grace and love poured out to us. As do our children. Love them well this weekend, and always!

Fix Your Eyes

A Letter to My Child's {foster} Mama